HCG Diet Info

How to Maintain Weight After HCG Diet

Maintaining weight after the HCG diet period is crucial to prevent weight gain and sustain the weight loss achieved during the weight loss phase. During the HCG diet period, individuals undergo two phases: the weight loss phase and the maintenance phase. The weight loss phase involves consuming a very low-calorie diet while receiving HCG injections or taking HCG drops. On...

HCG Oral Drops vs HCG Injections – What Works?

One of the many ways hcg selling websites have tried to make money off trusting consumers in recent years, is by packaging HCG, Human chorionic gonadotropin, in a variety of useless forms like pellets, oral drops and sprays and market them for weight loss. Thankfully, the FDA is taking measures to protect consumers. They have started issuing warnings to companies that...

Healthy Morning Foods To Take With Your HCG Diet

A good breakfast is the perfect start to your day. A nutritious, well-balanced breakfast will provide you the energy you need and prevent you from overeating throughout the day. If you are takingย HCG injections, it is also important that you consume healthy foods for your diet. The following are some of the healthiest foods you can enjoy for breakfast:



Improve Your Cardio Fitness Score While Taking HCG Injections

According to theย American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease and stroke are the two main causes of death globally. In the United States alone, one in three deaths is from cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and heart disease. In fact, you might personally know someone who suffers or has passed away from any of these illnesses. People with low cardiorespiratory fitness are more...

Things That You Must Always Have While On HCG Diet

When youโ€™re on a diet, it doesn't stop in working out in the gym or choosing healthy food selections in the grocery store. Because when your on a diet, you should carry a mindset that youโ€™re in a diet everywhere you go. Thatโ€™s why you need to take note the things that you should carry all day most especially when...

Surprising Activities That Can Burn Calories While Taking Your HCG Injections

Sometimes being too busy doing work or studies can make you skip your workout routine and weight loss plan. But did you know that there are surprisingly other ways that may help you burn large amount of calories even when you are not aware of it? In this article, we listed a daily calorie burning activity that can have an...

Life Lessons You Can Learn From HCG Diet

In your road to a healthier body, you will encounter ups and downs. It may be hard and may take time, but whatโ€™s important is that itโ€™s achievable and you donโ€™t give up on it. Who couldโ€™ve known that including HCG shots in your diet can reshape the way you think about health in general? Learning to be responsible Being on...

Making Healthier Food Choices With HCG Shots

In most weight loss programs, your diet is the first thing that is given utmost attention, and HCG is no different. Good nutrition, coupled with taking HCG shots regularly, are key to making your weight loss program work more effectively. Changing your eating habits can be difficult, especially if you have a physically demanding lifestyle. Setting realistic goals that give...

Fatty Foods That Are Actually Good With HCG Shots

From some, losing weight through exercise and diet is not enough due to their slow metabolism, bodyโ€™s ability to burn fat, or even hormonal imbalance. That is why using HCG shots are helpful for them in making their weight loss program more productive with visible and almost instant results. But to make these shots work more effectively, you must also...

4 Ways to Keep a Healthy Weight Aside From Buying HCG Online

ย  Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight needs long term commitment, regardless if itโ€™s gaining a few pounds, or trimming down to a healthier figure. Unfortunately, you cannot achieve your ideal weight overnight. Rather, it is the fruit of dedication, hardwork and discipline. Paying attention to what you eat, and maintain a healthy routine which includes regular exercise are a good...

Making your HCG Shots More Effective With Food that Burn Slowly

Carbs, starch, carbohydrates. No matter how they care called, this food group has gathered quite a bad reputation to fitness enthusiasts and the health conscious alike. What most of us donโ€™t realize is that carbohydrates are built different from each other, each with its own effect on our body. If you are weight conscious, or on the way to gaining a...