
Why You Need to do Cardio Workout?

Sitting all day long and just slacking off might soon enough take its toll to your overall well-being. This includes an added number on the scale, a bit on your waistline, and worse, illnesses like heart failure. The word โ€˜cardioโ€™ came from the Greek word kardia which means heart. Obviously, the goal of doing regular cardio workouts helps mainly to...

What to Do After Your Workout?

Not because youโ€™ve finished your workout routine, it means youโ€™re already done. To make sure that you are not ruining your own efforts to get fit, there things you have to remember for your post-workout routine so you can avoid an injury during workout. Cool down Skipping this part after working out increases the chances of getting injured. Take time to...

No-Bulk Workout for Women

One of the common myths about fitness is that women will bulk up when they lift weights. This is utter nonsense. Women will not gain muscles like how men do because of the hormones called testosterones and differences in muscle fibers. Unless you are using steroids, then you will really grow like Hulk. But if you still want to make...

Walking Can Be Your Best Exercise

As busy as we are today, most of us donโ€™t have much time to go to the gym and run in the treadmill or even at home, we canโ€™t do any stretching exercises. With so little time, how can we keep ourselves fit? Luckily, walking can be a good option for exercise. Here are the reasons why: ย  Helps maintain weight The amount...

Fitness 101: How to Prevent an Injury During Workout

Choosing to be fit and healthy is one of the best decisions youโ€™ll ever make in your life, not only will it keep your body toned but it will also enhance your lifestyle and well-being as a person. It has been said that working out helps relieve stress but if it leads to an unnecessary event like an injury, how...

Ways to Enjoy and Have Fun while You Exercise

You feel motivated and eager to exercise when you find it fun and enjoyable. When going on a diet or just simply wanting to do your routines, there are a lot of options you can choose from to have the health benefit as well as the fun and excitement you seek. It may vary based on your preferences but it...

Why Adults Should Also Have an Active Lifestyle

As people age, everyone are prone to illnesses that would tend to weaken oneโ€™s body. No matter how young or old you may be, finding time to stay active through exercise would help make both your mind and body healthy. It helps improve your metabolism Aging affects metabolism. When people grow older, they tend to move less and eat more. Thatโ€™s why...

Getting Started With Your Fitness Routine Safely

When you do a fitness routine, immediately jumping of to a fast pace could hurt you. It would be wise to check your condition first before hitting the start button. Things like symptoms and/or illnesses may have a different type of approach than that of normal health status. So at first, you have to know what you can and cannot...

Mistakes Women Need to Avoid When Working Out

Working out is one of the worst, if not, the worst nightmare of a person who would like to undergo diet. It is said to be tiring, sweaty, and a pain the ass process of achieving your dream weight and physique. Sometimes even if you do workout, you tend to not do it properly and still expect to get the...